Agrochemistry Pesticides



Plant protectants are necessary to protect plants from pests that could compromise plant growth (insects, fungal diseases, viruses, bacteria and weeds).

Main types:

Protect plants from diseases which affect production rate and quality or, in the worst case, could completely destroy the crop
Reduce the growth of weeds which affect the production rate and the quality of the crop
Protect plants against insects. Here, the pests can absorb the insecticide directly or indirectly through their food
Agrochemistry Pesticides

Apart from additives, plant protectants usually consist of one or more active substances which give them the desired properties.

As a rule, plant protectants are extremely temperature-sensitive substances that place correspondingly high demands on machine and plant engineering.

Factors like technological improvements, environmental restrictions, climate changes, etc., contribute to changes in pesticide management. This makes specialities more and more important. Formulations with Bio Pesticides applying exactly to the needs of each individual situation are futures solutions. Their use with conventual registered pesticides will lead to pest management in an environmental friendly way.

For the industrial production of plant protectants NETZSCH Grinding & Dispersing provides you with the latest technologies and processes suitable for your application according to the latest standards.

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