Food & Confectionery Sugar

Food & Confectionery


The word sugar encompasses much more than it means in common speech. Saccharose is what we commonly understand and know as sugar. Sugar is finely ground for numerous applications, be it for chocolate, jams or jellies, ice cream, drinks or bakery products such as cookies.


Fine sugar guarantees short dissolving times during further processing or it can be used to decorate delicious desserts. Depending on the use for which it is destined, various particle sizes are required, which can be produced on NETZSCH fine impact mills Condux®!

In the past, only conventional pin mills were used. Today, considerably higher throughputs can be obtained using so-called blast mills. 

The usual powdered sugar finenesses of 80 – 95% < 100 µm can be obtained, as well as considerably higher finenesses.

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Perhaps the higher product qualities achieved are even more important than the high throughput capacities and product finenesses.

These qualities are valued due to the low invert sugar content of the product which is obtained due to the principally lower grinding temperature within the powder mill.

The plant technology regarding dust explosions and the realization of modern safety concepts are also crucial points for the grinding of powdered sugar. The grinding of crystal sugar makes high demands on the technology to be used, as well as on the execution of a grinding plant, as the danger of dust explosions cannot be excluded during the mechanical grinding of sugar. Adequate constructional explosion measures, which can be realized as part of various plant designs, are necessary for this:

  • The shock pressure resistant design up to an excess explosion pressure of 10 bar(g) of the complete grinding system in a conventional assembly, has been the most frequently used version up until now.
  • A pressure-relieved plant, designed for a reduced explosion pressure of 3 bar(g), in which the so-called pressure relief is carried out via a rupture disc integrated in a dust filter to a non-endangered exterior area.
  • The new ATEX-compliant plant design Condux® Compact has now made the installation of a high-performance sugar-grinding plant considerably easier: Explosion protection valves or explosion-suppression equipment, explosion-decoupling, ventilators and even dust filter systems are no longer necessary in the classical sense.





Icing sugar