Food & Confectionery Chocolate Process by NETZSCH

Продукты питания и кондитерские изделия

Линии производства шоколада

Современная концепция полностью закрытой производственной линии позволяет всем основным компонентам установки выполнять свои определенные действия одновременно.  Это значительно экономит время, особенно при перенастройке процесса, когда отдельные участки установки не работают или настраиваются под другой продукт.

Due the revolutionary concept, which employs very low fat content during the exclusive dry conching step, it is possible to achieve the whole flavor and rheological development in much shorter time and saving energy.


The acids from cocoa fermentation, like acetic acid, are volatilized in very efficient way on this step giving the mild flavor desired for chocolate mass. This is obtained through the exclusive thoroughly volumetric aeration of the dry chocolate mass under slow mixing. The surface chemical reactions and flavor diffusion between the main raw materials cocoa, sugar and milk, as well the reduction of the starting moisture, occur efficiently in a suitable environment due the perfect temperature control and controlled porous aeration of the Conch. It is the result of intelligent combination of temperature, time and process sequence, no need of complex machinery adjustments for each product variation nor high energy mixer to disperse the cocoa-sugar-milk particles on this moment of the process.

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