광물 & 광업 산업
The mica group of sheet silicate (phyllosilicate) minerals includes several closely related materials having nearly perfect basal cleavage. All are monoclinic, with a tendency towards pseudohexagonal crystals, and are similar in chemical composition.
Mica has a large variety of applications:
- Automotive: Plastics, rubber, vibration & Soundampening, Foundry Coating, Adhesives & Sealants, Brake Pads/Shoes, Gaskets, Underbody Coatings.
- Paints & Coatings: Architectural Coatings, Industrial Coatings, Marine Coatings, Powder Coatings, Wood Coatings.
- Cosmetics: Eyeshadow, highlighter.
- Construction Products: Joint Compund, Caulks & Sealants, Grounts, Motors & Cement, Electrical & Thermal Insulators, Plastic Lumber, Stucco.
- Other: Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher, Plastic Film, Oil-well Loss Circulation, Decorative Concrete, Decorative Coatings